Sponsored by Férid Boughedir
Tirée du film Parfum de printemps de Férid Boughedir

The Festival begins its 16th edition with as much desire and a program which once again intends to give visibility to films made in the Maghreb and the Middle East.
Férid Boughedir, a great figure in Tunisian cinema and the Arab world will do us the honor of sponsoring the festival and of being present at the opening for the presentation of his film, Parfum de Printemps . Known as one of the most renowned critics in Africa and the Arab world, the author of the film “ Halfaouine, (the child of the terraces ),“ Un été à la goulette ”, is an internationally renowned filmmaker. He was a member of the official juries of the Cannes, Berlin and Venice festivals.
A tribute will be paid to Nour el Sherif, one of the stars of Egyptian cinema, favorite actor of Youssef Chahine, who died last year, by presenting his latest film, At the time of Cairo by Amir Ramses.
Also on the program, the first fiction film shot entirely in Yemen, “ Me, Nojoom, 10 years old, divorced ” by Khadija al-Salami.
Young talents, established authors, newcomers to the cinematographic landscape, all of them reveal themselves, each in their own way, leaders of hope or of transformation of society.
This edition extends the previous ones, while being unique and indispensable, where comedy, humor, music, poetry are also on the program to tell it to us.
Farida Hamak
Abdellah Zerguine
Artistic direction

Ouverture 16ème édition
Férid Boughédir (Parfum de printemps à l'ouverture)
Charlotte Uzu (Productrice Les Films d’Ici) "3000 nuits" de Mai Masri
Farid Eslam « Yallah Underground »
Khadjija al Salami « Moi, Nojoum, 10 ans divorçée »
Dans le hangar du premier film, Institut Lumière
Mir-Jean Bouchaaya « Very Big Shot », Maelle Arnaud, responsable programmation et collection films de l’Institut Lumière
Abdellah Zerguine, Farida Hamak (Direction artistique Regard Sud) ©Jean-Luc Mege
Younès Mégri (acteur), Emmanuel Prévost (producteur, Avalanche productions) « l’Orchestre des aveugles » de Mohamed Mouftakir
Michele Ray Gavras (Productrice ,KG productions) « Maintenant, ils peuvent venir » de Salem Brahimi