Thomas Gasquet
Romuald Guiboux
Clara Nebinger
David Peneau
Johanna Perret
Marion Waill
Nicolas Weber
Hors Pistes
In resonance with the Biennale de Lyon

In partnership with
the National School of Art Annecy Alpes and the National School of Fine Arts of Nîmes
November 7th > December 28th, 2019
@Johanna Perret, Lux Nova-Areu, 2018-2019, huile sur toile, 72 x 105 cm

@Romuald Guiboux, détail coup de pinceau incliné "shitao", 2019, liant, pigment, fil noir, 195 x 165 x 140 cm
To paint !
Painting crosses categories, fertilizes them and feeds on them. It no longer represents the landscape, it is landscape. Each time, she reinvents her own space and her purpose. Constantly updates its vocabulary and its modes of existence. His ability to assimilate other techniques is powerful.
Today painting has nothing to prove, it claims its entire freedom and asserts itself in the richness and diversity of painters' language.
Annecy-Lyon-Nîmes. An art center, an associative gallery, a private gallery, two higher art schools ...
Three exhibitions to do and talk about painting in 2019! Off the beaten track, a very young generation of uninhibited artists.
Painting crosses their practice, occupies a preponderant place or serves as an axis for their questions.

Nicolas Weber, Promenade Chensinoise, 2019, peinture industrielle sur contreplaqué, 55 x 55 cm