Anne-Marie Filaire
Landscapes of Auvergne and Fragments of the Orient

In echo with 2019 Biennale of Lyon
September 19th > October 31st of 2019

Auvergne, 10,5 x 15,5 cm, 1994 © Anne-Marie Filaire

Colonie israélienne de Maale Adumim, 50 x 60 cm, Palestine, juillet 1999 © Anne-Marie Filaire
From his native Auvergne to the powder kegs of the Middle East,
Anne-Marie Filaire is interested in landscapes, borders, demarcation zones.
Anne-Marie Filaire's work constitutes a poetic exploration of man in his environment, in his physical, psychological and political limits.
Anne-Marie Filaire was born in 1961 in Chamalières. She lives in Paris.
She teaches photography at the Institute of Political Studies (SciencesPo) Paris.
For thirty years, his photographic work has been particularly located in so-called border areas in the Middle East (Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon), the Far East (Cambodia, Vietnam), in East Africa. and in the Maghreb (Eritrea, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria) as well as in Europe.
This work has notably led her to take an interest in the complex question of the construction of intimate spaces in different contexts, Egypt, Palestine, Algeria and the United Arab Emirates.
In 2017 his works were the subject of a retrospective exhibition at MUCEM in Marseille and were presented at the National Library of France and at the Institut du monde arabe in Paris.
The book “Temporary Security Zone” published by Textuel / Mucem editions won the FILAF 2017 Best Photography Book Prize.
His photographs are exhibited in 2018 at the National Museum of Modern Art, Center Pompidou, and at the Palais d'Iéna in Paris.

Auvergne, 40 x 50 cm, 1994 © Anne-Marie Filaire